
Welcome to Gitsecure

Gitsecure is an AI-powered apllication security platform for engineering teams. We provide the easiest and fastest way for developers to find, prioritize, and fix code vulnerabilities in real-time with precision and efficiency.

Why Choose Gitsecure?

Traditional vulnerability scanning tools out there are built mainly for security teams and also causes noise(Unnecessary alerts and false positives) and do not provide fixes for any code vulnerabilities they detect, lastly they don't have a good developer experience because they are not built for developers.

Gitsecure bridges the gap between security and development teams by providing a user-friendly interface that helps from the setup, taking less than 5 minutes, to the scanner producing minimal noise and detects vulnerabilities in seconds, and to the AI fix recommendations that help you address vulnerabilities in seconds.

How Does Gitsecure Work?

It takes less than 5 minutes to integrate Gitsecure into your workflows:

  • Create an account and sign in.
  • Install the Gitsecure GitHub app from your dashboard.
  • Add your repositories to Gitsecure.
  • Invite teammates (optional).
  • Continue building.

Other Resources

Explore additional resources to maximize the benefits of Gitsecure's AI-powered security capabilities:

  • Community: Join our vibrant community to stay updated on the latest developments, share your experiences, and connect with fellow Gitsecure users. Start your journey by visiting our Community (opens in a new tab).
  • Social Media: Follow us on X (opens in a new tab) and LinkedIn (opens in a new tab) to receive real-time updates on product enhancements, security insights, and industry news. Stay connected with Gitsecure through our social media channels!