Secrets Scanning

Secrets Detection

Gitsecure detects over 164 unique secret types, with continuous updates introducing new types regularly.

Supported Secret Types

The table below provides a comprehensive list of secret types that are compatible with Gitsecure's code engine.

AdafruitAPI Key
AdobeClient ID
AdobeClient Secret
AgeSecret Key
AirtableAPI Key
AlgoliaAPI Key
AlibabaAccess Key
AlibabaSecret Key
AsanaClient ID
AsanaClient Secret
AtlassianAPI Token
AuthressAccess Key
BeamerAPI Token
BitbucketClient ID
BitbucketClient Secret
BittrexAccess Key
BittrexSecret Key
ClojarsAPI Token
CodecovAccess Token
CoinbaseAccess Token
ConfluentAccess Token
ConfluentSecret Key
ContentfulAPI Token
DatabaseConnection String
DatabricksAPI Token
DatadogAccess Token
Defined NetworkingAPI Token
DigitalOceanOAuth Access Token
DigitalOceanPersonal Access Token
DigitalOceanOAuth Refresh Token
DiscordAPI Key
DiscordClient ID
DiscordClient Secret
DjangoSecret key
DopplerAPI Token
DroneciAccess Token
DropboxAPI Secret
DropboxLong Lived API Token
DropboxShort Lived API Token
DuffelAPI Token
DynatraceAPI Token
EasyPostAPI Token
EasyPostAPI Token
EtsyAccess Token
FacebookAccess Token
FastlyAPI Key
FinicityAPI Token
FinicityClient Secret
FinnhubAccess Token
FlickrAccess Token
FlutterwaveEncryption Key
FinicityPublic Key
FlutterwaveSecret Key
Frame.ioAPI Token
FreshbooksAccess Token
GitHubApp Token
GitHubPersonal Access Token
GitHubOAuth Access Token
GitHubPersonal Access Token
GitlabOAuth Secret
GitHubRefresh Token
GitLabPersonal Access Token
GitLabPipeline Trigger Token
GitLabRunner Registration Token
GitterAccess Token
GoCardlessAPI Token
GrafanaAPI Key
GrafanaAPI Token
GrafanaService Account Token
HashiCorpAPI Token
HashiCorpPassword Field
HerokuAPI Key
HubSpotAPI Token
Hugging FaceAccess token
Hugging FaceOrganization API token
InfracostAPI Token
IntercomAPI Token
JFrogAPI Key
JFrogIdentity Token
KrakenAccess Token
KucoinAccess Token
KucoinSecret Key
LaunchdarklyAccess Token
LinearAPI Token
LinearClient Secret
LinkedInClient ID
LinkedInClient Secret
LobAPI Key